Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.. "Oh you who believe, eat of the good things wherewith We have provided you, and render thanks to Allah, if it is indeed He who you worship" (Al-Baqarah : 172)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Royal Icing Class - Gazebo & Swan

 Salam and hi,

Quick update on our recent class - Royal Icing. It was supposed to be attended by 4 students but 2 couldn't make we're left with only 2. But what a blessing it was. I had design a slightly different module than our last Royal Icing Class and it was successfully transferred into reality by my two awesome students - Daalia Abdul of Lea Oven and Sapiyah Hassan, a loyal follower of TDT's classes.

Have a look :)

Daalia's Swan Cake
Daalia's Gazebo Cake :)
Sapiyah's Swan Cake
Sapiyah's Gazebo Cake
Sapiyah's Cake
Daalia's Monogram
 By popular demand, we're gonna have another class week! LOL! 20-22nd Nov 2012. But it's currently FULL!

I'm coming up with new schedule for next few pretty soon. In the meantime, hop on to our FB PAGE for regular updates - Table

You take care and have a nice weekend, or whatever is left of it.

Farida Ismail

ps : Our brothers, Sisters, children and elders in Palestine are being bombarded on a daily basis now. Please do whatever you can to help. Spare some cash or a few minutes for prayers. May Allah give them and us strength and victory, in this world and hereafter, ameen.

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