Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.. "Oh you who believe, eat of the good things wherewith We have provided you, and render thanks to Allah, if it is indeed He who you worship" (Al-Baqarah : 172)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Food Styling & Photography and Cake Design Class

Salam and Hi dearests,

What a busy few days it has been for me. Learning and teaching both :) Busy-ness started last Wednesday, preparing for Saturday and Monday Class. 

For the past 2 days we had an awesome time in TDT doing the Shabby Chic inspired Cake Design Class. This class was attended by Kak Aida, Kak Rose, Zac & Azman. It was a mix of experience & not so experience bunch which to me was great, coz we get to share and impart knowledge.

Anyways, thank you all for coming. I had a great time and I hope you all did too :)

Well, we have evidence of what they'd done for the past 2 days...

Zac from Bt Pahat. Sangat tekun... good job Zac!

Awesome Group - Kak Rose from Enstek, Kak Aida from Tokyo, Azman from Kelana Jaya and Zac from Bt Pahat

And the pros!

Kak Rose's Cake

Zac's Cake

Azman's Cake - totally no experience in Fondant or Gumpaste flowers but look how it turned out ;)

Kak Aida's Cake - sweet color combination...

Awesome,  ain't it? I'm going to hold another class in January or February - dates will be determined later, and if you're interested, please drop me a note at It's going to be a weekend class this time.

On Saturday, we had a repeat class of Food Styling & Food Photography with PAk Uda Ali, another awesome class. This time it's a small class and finally I got the chance to sit in and learn something. I absolutely love this class.

Pak Uda did a demo on how to prepare Pasta Marinara for styling and later on we had a chance to taste some :)! Now I know what made those food on the posters looks delicious!

The famous Durian Crepe - captured!

Pasta Marinara

Thanks Pak Uda :)

Food preparation demo
Tomorrow is Royal Icing Class. Will keep you posted.

Farida Ismail

p/s: post is short coz am a bit tired..need to rest  before next class ;)

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