Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.. "Oh you who believe, eat of the good things wherewith We have provided you, and render thanks to Allah, if it is indeed He who you worship" (Al-Baqarah : 172)

Monday, October 31, 2011

PME Royal Icing Module October 2011

Assalamualaikum and hi,

MasyaAllah... I've been on a hiatus for a loooong time... :) Well, I've been busy. I've just finished a PME Royal Icing class last week with 11 students, 10 of them are instructors from Pusat Giat Mara, from all over Malaysia. Cikgu cikgi, maaf sangat2 kalau saya tak ingat nak sebut nama some of you ya..maklumla, dah berumur ni..hahaha..

I've uploaded some of the photos I took throughout the week. I hope they had enjoyed learning as much as I had enjoyed imparting knowledge to them. Well, as they say, pictures tell a 1000 words, right? Enjoy the photos...

All 12 Final Cakes on display
Nice color. The students were loved bold colors for their cake creations.
Complete with a swan couple okay...

Lovely colors
My demo cake, done together with my faithful assistant, Ida

Hurray!!! All the 24-28 October 2011 PME Royal Icing Graduates!! Congrats y'all!!!
Cikgu Hamzah
My demo cake
Cikgu Azmer
Cikgu Nor Hanifah dari Sabah
First day demo cake
Smiley girls are happy girls

She's got lovely smile

Brush embroidery technique

apa yang kelakar sangat tu?
My assistant Rafidah Yunus

Kak Zu


Practice always makes perfect
Cikgu Azmer, always tackled his work seriously. Good job Cikgu!!
I have more photos but I can't seem to upload them. Maybe later when the line is not so jammed.

ANYWAYS, I have goods news!!!! Continue reading please....

Alhamdulillah, I'm now a very happy and proud owner of my own outfit. I've named it "THE DESSERT TABLE". Our shop is in Mutiara Damansara area, bout 5 minutes away from the Curve.

I'm soooo happy!!! Right now we're in the midst of starting a minor renovation to make the place nice and fit for classes. We're hoping to open for soft launch in December and go live in January 2012. 

I'm starting some classes in December and you can email or SMS me to book places. I'll give details in my next post okay. 

I'm hoping for your support. I've come a long way, and here I am, still going, looking at the long winding road with renewed energy and enthusiasm. Alhamdulillah, I pray for Allah's guidance and make this journey as a mean to get closer to him, ameen.

To family and friends, who've all been very supportive, thank you very very much!!! Please continue to support me, I need all your advice... :))

To Anizah Baharudin, Congrats girl on your new venture. Anizah had recently launched her own outfit called "DELICIOUSLY CHOCOLATE". You can check it out on the net or FB. Her cakes are all delicious, I can vouch for that!! Her gorgeous cakes can be ordered online and you can pick them up at her shop at IMC building next to the Concorde building. And no, she didn't pay me for this advert..:))

Also to Wati Bakar, congrats on the expansion of your SF in Bangi. Wow!! Gorgeous!! I'm happy for you and the girls...

Cik Mas, Lyza Ghazali, Zalina girls are gorgeous!! Love you all!!!

In the mean time, you readers friends, you take care too okay.. I'll update you of the shop's progress status from time to time...

You can reach me at or sms me at 013-3554399.

Take care. Love,

Farida Ismail


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