Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.. "Oh you who believe, eat of the good things wherewith We have provided you, and render thanks to Allah, if it is indeed He who you worship" (Al-Baqarah : 172)

Monday, May 30, 2011

PME Royal Icing Module May 2011

Hi and salam,

3 girls signed up for this PME Royal Icing class and wow!! what a week fun it was. Liyana is a bit shy and asked that her photos not be published. Enjoy the photos!! FYI, next Royal ICing class is scheduled on the fourth week of June. Please call Sugarflours or email me at for details. 

In the meantime, I'm conducting a private class on Peony and its arrangement. Will upload the photos when the class is done. If you're interested in a private class in cake decorating or baking, please email me, we'll make arrangement that suits you.

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Nadia's Gazebo Cake

Nadia, congrats girl!!

All the techniques learnt were applied on these dummy cakes and the results were amazing!!
Liyana's Gazebo Wedding Cake

Liyana's embroidery cake ( the fondant are not supplied)

Anis' Gazebo
Nadia putting the lace onto her dummy cake

Anis' 2 tier-wedding cake

Anis from Anis Bakeri

Smiling lady
Have a wonderful holidays with your kids!!

Take care!!

Farida Ismail


Loveliana Cakes said...

Dear faridah
thanks utk gbr yang sangat cantik..

GoldNParfum said...

Puan Faridah thank you so much, you are such an amazing teacher and thank you for being so patient with me and my crazy antiques! i am applying the gazebo techniques on my next cake order on April...I missed you already! Love you!!!!

From, Nadia Anton